Автор | Заглавие | Сведения об ответственности | Год издания |
D. Reed, J. Dongarra | Exascale Computing and Big Data The Next Frontier,Communications of the ACM | | 2015 |
U. Meyer, P. Sanders. | Delta-Stepping A Parallel Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm | | Received 23 December 1998 |
V. Chakaravarthy, F. Checconi, F. Petrini, and Y. Sabharwal | Scalable Single Source Shortest Path Algorithms for Massively Parallel Systems | | |
K. Madduri, D.A. Bader, J.W. Berry, and J.R. Crobak | An Experimental Study of A Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm for Solving Large-Scale Graph Instances | | |
V. Vineet, P.Harish, S. Patidar, and P. J. Narayanan | Fast Minimum Spanning Tree for Large Graphs on the GPU | | 2009 |
R. G. GALLAGER, P. A. HUMBLET, and P. M. SPIRA | A distributed algorithm for minimum-weight spanning trees | | |
А.В. Мазеев | Параллельный алгоритм поиска минимального остовного дерева в графе на суперкомпьютере с сетью Ангара | | 2016 |
| Fast unfolding of communities in large networks | | 2008 |
U.Raghavan, R. Albert, S. Kumara | Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks. | | 2017 |
U. Brandes | A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality | | |
A. Lumsdaine, D. Gregor | Challenges in parallel graph processing | | |
Е. А. Головина, А. С. Семенов, А. С. Фролов | Исследование производительности задачи поиска вширь в графе на сопроцессорах семейства Intel Xeon Phi | | 2014 |